
Theresa D. Metcalfe presents

Theresa D. Metcalfe

Theresa D. Metcalfe and The Pink Phoenix Brigade gives you a glimpse into their Strong & Fearless journey of beating breast cancer! This anthology is sure to address your fears, validate your feelings, and elevate your hope. Whether you are still in the fight of overcoming breast cancer or you have your own breast cancer story to share, allow The Pink Phoenix Brigade to encourage you in a STRONG & FEARLESS way! 

the pink phoenix 2
Who beats Cancer twice and did it with a smile? Meet Theresa Metcalfe…
The Pink Phoenix! Theresa’s story is both heart-wrenching, yet heart-warming as she takes us through her strong and fearless voyage fighting and winning the good fight of faith. Cancer may have had an encore in her life, but The Pink Phoenix never gave up the fight.
Whether you are going through your own cancer journey or supporting someone who is, this funny, witty, and effervescent tale of fearless healing, will help you secure a sweatless victory!